St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

Standards at St Theresa's

The academic standards at St Theresa's are important to us and rightly so.  However, they are not, and never have been the be all and end all of our school.  We are ambitious for our children.  We strive for excellence in everything we do.  We want our children to achieve honours and leave us with high academic standards but we also want them to leave us as fully rounded young people ready to take on the world and make a difference to it.  This is encapsulated in our Curriculum Intent Statement and Mission Statement.  Academic standards are important though and we aim high and expect much from our children and they do not disappoint. 

Our greatest achievement came in 2018 when we achieved results that placed us in the top 250 schools in the country for our attainment and we were a featured school in the Sunday Times Parent Power Supplement in Autumn 2019.

We were also very proud of our achievements in the 2023 SATS maths assessments. The children did so well that they were placed in the 'Well Above Average' banding, of which only includes the top 10% of schools in the local authority and across England. Our writing scores similarly placed us within the top 18% of schools nationally as we achieved the 'Above Average' banding. 

Please click on the links below to take you to the pages that contain our school results: