St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

DFE Standards Comparison

DfE Performance Tables:

If you wish to check out St Theresa's performance against national criteria then you can follow the following links to the DfE Performance Tables website and search for St Theresa's School.

DfE school performance tables website

You can also look at the school's performance using the Schools' Comparative Data site which is available online:

This will hopefully enable you to compare our school's data with that of other schools locally. Data is only one aspect of school life though and although our data is strong and generally above National and in the top percentiles for progress this is not how we want our school to be judged solely.  We are very proud of all our young people's achievements (no matter how great or small) not just their SATs scores... important though they are!  Judge us by the kind of people we are.