St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental preparation is now based entirely in Family Catechesis as is the wish of Bishop Marcus Stock, Bishop of Leeds.  This enables all parents to fulfil the promises made at their child's baptism to educate and raise their children in the practice of the shared Catholic faith into which their child was baptised.  Sacramental preparation is led by the team of catechists from St John Henry Newman Parish and this work is coordinated by the Parish Office and our Parish Priest and assistant priests. 

Preparation is made for the following sacraments at primary school.  Please click on the link to go to the relevant page:

Year 3: First Reconciliation

Year 4: First Eucharist

Year 6: Confirmation 

We are deeply grateful to all our parish catechists who give so freely of their time to help parents/carers to prepare their children for the sacraments of the Church.