St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

Contact Us


The Head Teacher:

Mrs J Ryan B.A.(Hons). 

Chair of The Board of Governors:

Mr Mark Nicholson

You can contact the Head Teacher or Chair of Governors by post or in person through:

St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School
Barwick Road
Cross Gates
LS15 8RQ

Telephoning school:  If you wish to speak to someone in school then please call the school switchboard  0113 293 0240 and follow the options listed below:

Report a Pupil’s Absence: 0113 293 0240 then option 1
School Kitchen: 0113 293 0240 then option 2
General enquiries: 0113 293 0240 then option 3 and speak to a member of the office staff who will direct you to the person you need!

Contact Us

Who to speak to about things?

Please use the school switchboard above and ask for: 

Enquiries about Admissions to Main School (Reception to Y6): Mrs Childerson

Enquiries about Admissions to Nursery: Mrs Childerson

Enquiries about Before and After School Provision: Mrs Jackson

Enquiries about the Curriculum offer or standards in school: Mrs Ryan

Enquiries about SEND offer or children with additional needs: Miss Hulbert, SENCo and Assistant Head Teacher for Inclusion

You can contact Miss Hulbert by telephoning school on the main switchboard number and by asking to put through to her or by email on

General Enquires via email: 


Office Staff:

Mrs J Parker (Business Manager Finance)

Mrs N Jackson (Interim Business Manager Finance)

Mrs J Childerson (Business Manager HR)

Mrs N Jackson (Extended School Administrator for Before and After School Club)

Mrs M Collins (Lunchtime/Ed Visit Monies)

Mrs D Hart (Receptionist for BASC)

Miss K Rowland (Child and Family Practitioner, absence management)

Premises Staff:

Mr  A Todd (Premises Supervisor)