St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

The Mission, Vision and Ethos of the School

Vision Statement and Aims

Following our Mission Statement retreat day,  we have slightly amended our Mission Statement to reflect where we believe our school to be and how it reflect the hopes, dreams and aspirations for our young people going forward.  We will continue to consult  with our stakeholders so that everyone understands the vision and mission of the school.  If you have any views you would like to share then please contact Mrs Ryan at school:

Our Vision Statement

Our mission is to deliver an outstanding and distinctive Catholic education with Christ at the heart of our community.

Together, we live, share and celebrate our faith whilst respecting and learning from other faiths, traditions and cultures.

We aim to empower all to thrive within the global community of the 21st Century, reflecting the ever-changing world in which we live, work and have our being.

We acknowledge the unique value of each person.

Through mutual support, and in partnership with the home and parish communities, we nurture and inspire everyone to become the best they can be.

We strive for excellence in all we do.

Our Mission is to:

Walking in Theresa’s Little Way.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to deliver an outstanding and distinctive Catholic education with Christ at the heart of our community.

Together, we live, share and celebrate our faith and learning, while respecting and learning from other faiths, traditions and cultures.

 We aim to empower all to thrive within the global community of the 21st Century, reflecting the ever-changing world in which we live, work and have our being.

 We acknowledge the unique value of each person. Through mutual support, and in partnership with the home and parish communities, we endeavour to nurture and inspire everyone to become the best they can be.

 We strive for excellence in all we do.

 Our Mission Statement is "Walking in Theresa's Little Way."  This is a familiar statement to the children and they know it as a mantra in school.  The way in which the Mission Statement becomes a lived reality if by living out the statements in the vision statement above and by following the school's golden rules which are presented below:

I walk in Theresa’s Little Way by

Speaking, Listening and Behaving


Respect and Kindness

and by

Doing the Simple Things Well

in Trust, Service and Respect for all.

Doing the right thing... Because it’s the right thing to do!

With Faith, Hope and Love in our hearts.

 Walking in Theresa’s Little Way!

The Mission Statement has been linked here with our key virtues which reflect our aims for Character Education in school.  More information on the school's Virtues and Character Education can be found here: Virtues at St Theresa's. 

Aims of the School:

The School Aims to:

  1. Provide a sound and balanced curriculum in keeping with the National Curriculum requirements, so that the children may acquire the skills, concepts and knowledge appropriate to the primary stages of education.
  2. Help pupils develop lively enquiring minds and to provide as wide a range of educational experience as possible.
  3. Enable all pupils to achieve their full potential, whatever their needs or talents, and to develop not only as individuals but as Christians and as Catholics.
  4. Provide a well structured, warm and caring atmosphere so that the children feel secure and older pupils are able to make an easy transition to secondary education.

St Theresa’s School remains committed to achieving the 5 Outcomes of Every Child Matters:

  • Be safe
  • Be healthy
  • Enjoy and Achieve
  • Make a positive contribution
  • Achieve economic well-being

Overall Curriculum Aims:

“Develop a modern, world class curriculum that will inspire and challenge

all learners and prepare them for the future”

(Mick Waters, QCA)


“Make the curriculum fit the child... not the other way round.”


Strategic Aims for Continuous School Improvement

‘Walking in Theresa’s Little Way’

St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School promotes excellence in learning, achievement and attainment by helping its pupils to:

  • Know they are loved unconditionally by God
  • Have confidence in themselves and have high self-esteem
  • Become independent and well-motivated life-long learners who can work in a variety of ways
  • Leave St Theresa’s as fully rounded, responsible human beings able to understand and take part fully in a global and culturally diverse society
  • Achieve their full potential in all areas of the curriculum
  • Embrace future technology and all it has to offer them as life-long learners

We believe that to achieve these aspirations for our pupils we must create a school where:

  • All in our community, home/school/parish, are given opportunities to develop their relationship with God and so come to full human wholeness on their journey of faith
  • All in our community are treated with mutual respect, openness and honesty in an atmosphere of security and love
  • All have access to excellent Learning and Teaching opportunities and experiences, within an inclusive, lively and stimulating environment
  • Key skills are taught in Literacy and Numeracy so that all children can achieve full potential across the whole curriculum
  • All have access to a broad and balanced, stimulating, interesting and relevant curriculum including extra curricular activities and visits
  • Pupils have access to learning and teaching that makes full use of all that future technology has to offer including the very latest hardware, software and online learning resources.
  • Pupils have access to the best learning resources the school can provide
  • The search for excellence in all things is our common goal.

All of the above is encapsulated in our school hymn below: 

Walking in Theresa's Little Way... our school hymn!