St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

Sports Premium Grant (SPG) Funding

Welcome to the Sports Premium Funding page.

You may or may not be aware that we receive specific funding in school to promote sport.  We receive in the region of £19600 per annum and we have sought to use this in the best way possible to support a variety of sporting activities across the whole school. We are a hugely successful school when it comes to sport especially at Football and Athletics.  We pride ourselves on having a wide range of fit, healthy and active children who are both competitive and fair minded.

Our motto for sport is: We play to win; but we accept victory and defeat with equal grace.

We are proud to be partners in Well Schools and The Active Schools programmes and through these initiatives we look to promote sport in as many ways as we possibly can.  Our PE Leader is Miss Wordsworth and she does a fabulous job. If you wish to know more about sport in our school then she is the best person to speak to.  Please click on the link below to see the Impact Statement prepared for the Active Schools adviser in 2016 to show the impact of the Sports Premium on attainment and progress in our school as well as how we have used it to achieve great sporting success.  That report is still relevant even in 2024 as we are equally committed to the provision of the highest quality PE teaching and learning as well as taking part in as many competitive sporting events as we can. 

Impact Statement for PE and Sport September 2016 


How was the SPG spent?

Click on the links below to see how the SPG has been spent in recent years. 

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium Grant 22-23.pdf

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium Template March 2022.pdf

Sports Premium Grant 2020 – 2021 Reviewed March 2021

Sports Premium Grant 2019 – 2020 Review of 18-19 Jan 2020