Barwick Road, Cross Gates, Leeds, LS15 8RQ

0113 293 0240

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

Governors' Attendance & Training


Governors are required to attend full governing body meetings and their agreed committees.  Governors can give apologies if they are unable to attend, the board considers the reasons and agrees whether to accept them or not.  

The St Theresa's governors are a very committed group of people.  The governors have been flexible and amended their normal meeting arrangements to include video conferencing and socially distanced meetings in the hall to enable their responsibilities to be met and for meetings to go ahead.  The governors visit school to carry out monitoring duties and have also moved to online and socially distanced arrangements to maintain their close links while supporting the schools pandemic risk assessment.

Governor Training

Governors have attended training remotely where needed and are about to set their training programme for the next year.  There are many aspects that governors receive training in so that they can better fulfil their role.  Such training includes safeguarding, finance, pupil premium, attendance and more.


 Governing Body Attendance Academic Year 2020 21.pdfDownload
 Governing Body Attendance Academic Year 2021 22.pdfDownload
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