St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

General Information about Governance.

Welcome to the Governor Information pages for St Theresa's governing body.

Here are some useful documents that show our constitution and membership, our code of conduct and terms of reference for our committee structure.

The Chair of the Governing Body is Mark Nicholson.  Governors can be contacted through the school office in the first instance.  

Parent Governor Election May 2022

We have concluded the election for Parent Governor.  The results are as follows

Mrs Darling Brown:  32.4% of the vote

Mrs Tasker: 38.2% of the vote

Mrs Williams: 29.4% of the vote

Mrs Tasker is duly elected.  Please see the letter below from Mr Nicholson, Chair of the Board of Governors.

Chair's letter successful Parent Governor Election June 2022.pdf

We are very grateful to the parents who put themselves forward for this election.  It is very much appreciated. 




 2021 Leeds Diocesan Protocols Document St Theresa's.pdfDownload
 Code of conduct 2021-22 St Theresa.pdfDownload
 Governing Body Attendance Academic Year 2021 22.pdfDownload
 Governing Body Membership List St Theresa.pdfDownload
 Terms of Reference Sept 2021.pdfDownload
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