St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

Some examples of Collective Worship


Reception children participated in a lovely Collective Worship today. Jack and Jaxon helped Mrs. Ruane with the preparation, noting that they needed a purple cloth, a candle, a bible and a crucifix to gather round. They set up beautifully. Mrs. Ruane read the Word to the children and they enjoyed thinking of ways that they could quietly do good deeds in Lent. We responded by singing a Hymn that reminds us of Jesus’s love for us all. We held the Cross and passed it round our circle, sharing Lenten Promises. We also prayed together for Peace. We went forth with joy in our hearts and excited to share our Promises with our families; there should be lots of offers of help at home this weekend!