St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Walking in Theresa's Little Way

The ARTs at St Theresa's

We are very committed to promoting the ARTs in school especially music and performing musicals. 

Dance Fever Academy 

Many of our students are so passionate about the Arts, that they are part of extra curricular clubs outside of school. A number of children are part of Dance Fever Academy based in Crossgates, and work hard all year to craft incredible shows. Most recently, they produced The Wizard of Oz which they performed in Leeds. Some of the staff were lucky enough to go and see the production. They all raved about the incredible performances that they saw! 

Choir at St Theresa's 

The choir are a very important and treasured part of St Theresa's. They gather to practise every week and are often asked to do special performances in Mass or out in the community. They are joined by Mrs McNutt and Mrs Moore who are very proud of everything they do. 

in 2023-2024, they wowed their audiences many times, including at the Big Sing competition and at a Leeds Rhinos game.  

The school choir were invited to take part in a 'Sing Spectacular' at Headingley Stadium. They sang a medley of songs including We Will Rock You and Eye of the Tiger, before staying to watch Leeds Rhinos meet London Broncos. Some of us even met Ronnie the Rhino! 


Year 4 music with Miss Lether 

We are very lucky that Miss Lether comes every week to work with the Year 4 children. They learn a variety of different songs and musical technicalities. The children enjoy it every week! 

Art Week - January 2024

Mrs Acharya is very passionate about her role as art lead and led the school in an art focus for an entire week. The week was based on the Big Draw Festival. The 2023 Big Draw Festival theme DrawingwithSenses focused on exploring the way we personally process the world and how we use our senses TouchSightSound, Taste and Smell to make observations and feel more positive. Each class had its own focus for the week, which culminated in a show-stopping showcase in the school hall. 

Easter Production 2024

As part of their Easter preparation, the Years 3 and 4 created a wonderful show: Resurrection Rock! The children sang their hearts out to hits such as 'This is my Body' and 'Singing Hosanna to the Lord'. They performed numerous times to the staff, children and parents. We were all incredibly proud of their accurate representation of the Easter Story and their reverent performances. 

Christmas Production 2023 

'Whoopsie Daisy Angel' was a real hit at Christmas time with the staff, the children and the parents. The children and staff put their all into the production and it really paid off. We were all very proud of them all. 

The Fantastic THREE!!

We would like to let you know about three pupils, Fintan Howley (class of 2023), Ted Ormston (Class of 2023) and Winnie Ormston (Year 6) who are all members of the Leeds branch of Comhaltas (Irish music association).They travelled to Bolton on Sunday with lots of other young musicians to represent Leeds at the North of England Fleadh (Irish music competition). It was a very successful day, Winnie came 1st in the under 9 tin whistle competition. Fintan came 1st in the under 12 banjo competition and was also a member of the winning under 12 trio. Ted came 2nd in the under 12 Céilí drumming competition. They are also all members of the Leeds under 12 Ceili band which scooped 1st place. They will now represent the North of England at the All Britain Fleadh on 25th & 26th June in London.Attached is a photo of the three children with their medals.

Easter 2023 

The children of Years 3 and 4 put on a wonderful performance of Roll Back the Stone. They wowed us all with their incredible singing and acting, as well as showcasing the miracle that is the Easter story. Well done to you all that took part! 

Christmas 2021

In Advent 2021 the Year 3-5 children performed a Christmas Musical called "Please let the World Believe" which was written by Mrs Jan Hutchinson in 1992.  The children loved performing the show and the main parts were taken by Year 5.  The Year 2 classes performed Lights Camel Action! and The Reception classes also performed a fabulous Christmas play.