BASC Policy and Practice
Extended School Provision (ESP): Before and After School Club
We now offer both before and after school care for our young people which is detailed below. It is important to note that we now offer bespoke extended school provision for our Early Years pupils at our before and after school club for Nursery aged children; this is in conjunction with our 30hour offer for eligible parents. (Please speak to Mrs Jackson or Mrs Ryan for details about the Early Years' provision.) Adult to pupil ratios are 1:8 as a minimum.
The provision is run by an Extended School Administrator, Mrs N Jackson and an Extended School Coordinator, Mrs A Spencer. Mrs Ryan is the member of SLT who oversees the Extended School Provision. If you wish to make enquiries about this provision then please speak to Mrs Jackson in the school office on 0113 2930240.
Before School Club:
Starts: 7.30am: You can drop your child(ren) from 7.30am each day and they will be cared for and given a simple breakfast of cereals, toast, topping and/or fruit and a drink. Cost £4.00/session .
Extended school provision will be mostly held in the main hall, the studio and the Food Tech room (where they will eat). They will also be taken outside to play but always remain supervised.
ALL pupils should be dropped at the main desk in the Reception foyer in the morning and signed in by Mrs Hart.
After School Club:
Starts: 3.15pm: Your child will be brought down to the entrance area at the end of school and catered for by ASC staff. Pupils must be collected before 18.00. Pupils will be given a choice of sandwiches, toasties, fruit and a drink. Cost £8.00/session.
The cost for both sessions is £12.00/day.
Parents/carers collect their children and young people from the desk in reception foyer at the main doors; the children will be brought to this area by ESP staff. Parents should not enter the secure zone unaccompanied at any time please. Thank you.
Below are the Policies and Procedures for the Extended School Provision: If you have any queries about any of this provision please speak to Mrs Jackson on the school reception desk:
New Extended Schools Registration Form 2019-2020.docx
Home school agreement for BASC